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Installation Guide (MUT)
Mod. SY1527, universal multichannel power supply system
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00103/97:1527x.MUTx/03 HWGUIDE_REV3.DOC
3.2 Board
This section is located in the mainframe’s rear upper 6U-high part and hosts the 16 slots
for the insertion of boards (refer to Fig. 2.1, p.9).
This section is empty when it is delivered to the customer. It can house up to 16 vertically
positioned boards, which can be High Voltage or Low Voltage (HV/LV) boards,
Distributors, etc.. The boards must be 6U-high and slide on special guides until they are
plugged into the relevant connectors of the Board Backplane.
The 16 slots are numbered starting from left (
Slot 0
) to right (
Slot 15
). They are
completely equivalent, i.e. the user can insert in each slot either a HV/LV board or a
distributors, indifferently. The HV/LV boards can be Positive, Negative or Floating
boards. At Power-On the processor will scan all the slots to find out where the boards are
plugged in and what kind of boards they are.
Section 3.2.1 illustrates the Board Backplane, while Sections 3.2.2, 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 are
devoted to a wide range of boards compatible with the SY1527 system, specifically to the
HV/LV, Floating and Miscellaneous Boards, to the Distributors and to the Branch
3.2.1 Board
The Board Backplane (refer to Fig. 3.1, p.19) houses 16 96-pin EUROCARD connectors
for the boards’ power supply and 6 connectors to DC supply the fan tray unit.
The Board Backplane is powered by the Power Supply Backplane (refer to Section 3.4.1,
p.23) which is directly connected to the Power Supply Units.
High and Low Voltage, Floating and Miscellaneous boards
For further details, please refer to
User’s Manual
of the relevant model.
3.2.3 Distributors
For further details, please refer to
User’s Manual
of the relevant model.
3.2.4 Branch
For further details, please refer to
User’s Manual
of the relevant model.
Fan tray section
This section is located in the mainframe’s rear lower part and is housed in a 2U-high,
400-mm deep box (refer to Fig. 2.1, p.9 and Fig. 3.1, p.19). This section hosts six fans for