Display [set] night [mode]: Use this command to set
the display to night mode.
Display [set] auto [mode]: Use this command to set
the display to automatic mode. The system will
change between day and night mode automatically.
System help: This command instructs the system to
assist with display commands.
Radio Commands
The following are radio commands you can access by
clearly stating the commands exactly as they are written.
Radio [band] [select] AM, radio [band] [select] FM,
radio [band] [select] XM, radio [band] [select]
satellite: These commands instruct the system to go to
either the AM, FM, or XM (if equipped).
Radio [select] (frequency) AM, radio [select]
(frequency) FM: These commands instruct the system
to go to a specific frequency on either AM or FM.
Radio [select] (channel) XM, radio [select] (channel)
satellite: These commands instruct the system to
go to a specific channel on the XM™ band (if equipped).
Radio help: This command instructs the system to
assist with radio commands.
CD Commands
The following are CD, MP3, and DVD commands that
can be accessed by clearly stating the commands
exactly as they are written.
CD, DVD, Disc: Use this command to select a CD,
DVD, or disc that is currently loaded.
CD, DVD, Disc, [select] track (one, two, three,
etc.): This command instructs the system to select a
specific track number.
CD, DVD, Disc select next folder: Use this command
to select the next folder on the MP3 or audio DVD.
CD, DVD, Disc select previous folder: Use this
command to select the previous folder on the MP3 or
audio DVD.
CD help, DVD help, Disc help: This command
instructs the system to assist with CD and DVD