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undersurface of outer sleeve and top of nesting plate is 0mm. Keep the cover in place, close the
swinging arm and turn adjusting bolt to make the space 1 mm with the cover. Lock the locknut (4
of Fig.2).
Inspect and adjust the setting of pressure and adjust the time of holding pressure
Adjust the falliing space of press head: Open the swinging arm (4 of Fig.1),Push the start
button.The press head will move up to the top, and then will move down slightly. The press head
will then stop. Put the funnel in the Boric acid tool. Adjust the other parameter on the PLC to
make sure the falling space is 1~2 mm. Refer Fig.7. The adjusting method is as Charpter “About
PLC ”in page 12.
Try to press one sample. The operation step is as flow chart of Fig.8 in page 10.
According to the need, adjust the sample removal time. The default time is 4 seconds.The
method to press sample with aluminum cup is same as with boric acid expect filling sample by
aluminum cup not boric acid.
Press head
Press tool coat