System Administration with EmWeb
UM1600-2-A 2002
Field Definition
start of the current 15-minute interval.
current 15-min received
number of blocks of data received during the
current 15-minute interval.
current 15-min
transmitted blocks
number of blocks of data transmitted during the
current 15-minute interval.
current 15-min
corrected blocks
number of corrected blocks of data transmitted
during the current 15-minute interval.
current 15-min
uncorrected blocks
number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted
during the current 15-minute interval.
current 1-day time
number of seconds that have elapsed since the
start of the current day interval.
current 1-day received
number of blocks of data received during the
current day interval.
current 1-day
transmitted blocks
number of blocks of data transmitted during the
current day interval.
current 1-day corrected
number of corrected blocks of data transmitted
during the current day interval.
current 1-day
uncorrected blocks
number of uncorrected blocks of data transmitted
during the current day interval.
ADSL Physical Layer PM within Previous 15 Minutes Duration
MIN Phy-Layer PM}
Allow you to view the physical layer performance during previous 15 minutes
1. Click on “
15 MIN Phy-Layer PM
” of the DSL Port Performance Menu.
15 MIN Phy-Layer PM
screen appears as follows: