Thank you for purchasing the Builder Extreme and taking your time to read the manual. To successfully
install and use the Builder Extreme, we strongly recommend to read the full manual. Only then you
can fully benefit from the features the Builder Extreme has to offer.
The Builder Extreme is known as a workhorse, which is able to 3D print your prototypes, statues,
moulds, jigs and fixtures 24/7. The machine is able to print extremely large parts and able to print in
different qualities due to the different nozzle diameters.
The manual will inform you how to
Successfully install the machine
Set-up Simplify3D software
Control the machine
Use Simplify3D
Make your first 3D print
Improve your prints
We advise you to start with an easy and smaller 3D print with our standard profiles in Simplify3D. It is
important to get some experience with the Builder Extreme before starting to print complex shaped
and large prints.
Please make sure that anyone who will be using the Builder Extreme, has fully read the manual to
prevent any personal injuries, bad print quality and damages to the printer itself. We have created this
manual with a team of Builder experts and we believe the most important information is covered in
the manual, yet we cannot be held responsible for incorrect or missing information. If you have any
feedback about missing or incorrect information, please send your feedback to
Intended use
The Builder Extreme PRO 3D printers are designed and build to 3D print large and complex shaped
parts like prototypes, moulds, statues, jigs and fixtures in a commercial/business environment. The
Builder Extreme PRO prints best with Builder materials and our standard FFF profiles created for
Simplify3D. The user can choose other materials or different settings in Simplify3D, but the users is
responsible for the outcome of the printed part.
Factory tour at Builder 3D Printers