Installation of Simplify3D
After successfully installing the Builder Extreme, it is now time to install the slicing software. The
Builder Extreme comes with a Simplify3D license. With Simplify3D you can convert your 3D file into a
gcode. Please follow these steps to install Simplify3D correctly:
Open the email you received from Simplify3D (please check your spam box)
Follow the steps in the email to download the software and create your personal log-in.
The Builder Extreme is not listed as a standard printer, choose “other printers” and click ok.
step 2. Download the FFF profile for your
Builder Extreme and unzip.
Open Simplify3D, go to File, Import FFF profile and select the FFF profile you just downloaded.
You now have successfully installed Simplify3D.
The FFF profile you just imported to Simplify3D, contains all the right settings to print with a 0.4, 0.8
and 1.2 mm nozzle. For your first 3D prints, we strongly advise to use the standard settings. These
settings can be adjusted of course, but we advise to change and try out different settings in a later
Important when not printing dual coloured objects
When not printing dual coloured/material objects, we strongly advise to print with both extruders at
all times. This means you need to install 2 of the same spools/colours and add the following code in
Open Simplify3D, go to edit process settings, scripts, layer change script.
Add this exact code: G93 R50. Make sure you save this setting.
From now on, all your prints start to print with 2 filaments all the time.
We strongly advise, when not printing dual coloured/material objects, to print with both motors on
50% at all times. This doesn’t only extend the lifetime of your print head, but there is also less chance
of clogging and it also improves the print quality and less stringing. It even allows you to print up to 9
kg without being interrupted by filament detection.