1 - 19
Write serial no
In this inspection, Serviceman Software Tool writes the serial number and the
EEPROM version/mode setting at startup (EL mode) into the machine. Make sure to
perform this item at the end of the inspection.
(1) Change the background of “Write serial no” item into yellow with the [Up] / [Down]
buttons or the [
] / [
] keys on the keyboard. And then click the [Run] button.
(2) If the writing the serial number and the EEPROM version into the machine is
succeed, display the written contents on the dialogue.
If check the written contents, finish the inspection.
When this inspection is completed and the power supply of the machine
is turned off and on, the machine starts with “EL mode”.
When inspect again, perform it after changing into “E mode”.
Starting with “EL mode” is normal after completing the inspection. When
the machine is “E mode” with the power supply turned on again, there is a
possibility that the inspection is not performed or the [EL] button is
pushed by mistake. Handle it by checking the situation.
Fig. 29 After completing “Write serial no”
If click the [Reject] or the [To next check] button, the inspection of Serviceman
Software Tool is completed.