Revision C 16/01/96
Chapter 2 "PCL" - 58
Cap height data (UI) - ignored by this HL Series printer. This word specifies for the font the distance between
the baseline and the top of an unaccented capital letter (for example, ‘H’), as a percentage of the font’s em rule,
Font number (ULI) - ignored by this HL Series printer. This 4-byte field specifies the number assigned to the
font by the vending company. The number is stored as a hexadecimal value in the lower three bytes, bytes 44,
45 and 46.
Font name (16 bytes) - ignored by this HL Series printer. This 16-byte field can be used to specify a name for
the font.
X-Resolution (UI) - specifies the resolution in the X-scan direction.
This value can be 300 or 600 for bitmapped fonts, and is normally set to 2540 for Intellifont scalable fonts.
This is used for scaling the X-coordinates of font data to the required point size.
After scaling ( in dots ) =
the required point size
X-coordinate) ÷ {72.307
scale factor (8782)}
After scaling ( in dots ) =
the required point size
X-coordinate) ÷ {Master X-resolution
(Height ÷ 8) }
Y-Resolution (UI) - specifies the resolution in the Y-scan direction.
This value should be set to 300 or 600 dpi for special bitmapped fonts and is not available for Bitmapped font
and TrueType font.
This is normally set to 2540 for Intellifont -scalable fonts and is used for scaling the Y-coordinates of the font
data to the required point size.
This value is calculated as:
After scaling ( in dots ) = (300 x the required point size x Y-coordinate) ÷ (72.307 x scale factor (8782) )
After scaling ( in dots ) = (300 x the required point size x Y-coordinate) ÷
{Master Y-resolution x (Height ÷8)}
Scale Factor (UI) - specifies the number of design units per Em. This value can be the unit for the metrics of
Intellifont / TrueType scalable fonts.
This is normally set to 8782 and calculated for Intellifont as follows:
Scale factor x 72.307 = resolution x height ÷ 8
This is normally set to 2048 for TrueType fonts.
Master Underline position (UI) - Specifies the distance from the baseline to the top of the underline in design
units and this is an alternative for "Underline Position (bit 30)" only for scalable fonts.
Master Underline height (UI) - specifies the height of the underline itself in design units and this is an
alternative for "Underline Thickness (bit 31)" only for scalable fonts.
Font Scaling Technology (UB) - specifies the type of font scaling technology for any scalable fonts.
Font scaling technology
TrueType font
Variety (UB) - only for TrueType fonts, this value should be set to 0.
OR (LRE) Threshold (UI) - specifies the pixel size in design units. This is switched on between scaling the font
and its rasterization.
Global Italic Angle (SI) - specifies the italic angle as a tangent relative to the vertical. The value 0 makes
upright fonts.
Summary of Contents for HL- SERIES
Page 13: ...Revision A 16 01 96 Chapter 1 Introduction ...
Page 16: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 2 PCL 1 Chapter 2 PCL ...
Page 123: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 2 PCL 3 W width raster area 78 Y y offset raster 79 ...
Page 124: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 3 PJL 1 Chapter 3 PJL Printer Job Language ...
Page 180: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 4 Diablo 630 1 Chapter 4 Diablo 630 ...
Page 200: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 5 EPSON FX 850 1 Chapter 5 EPSON FX 850 ...
Page 237: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 6 IBM Proprinter XL 1 Chapter 6 IBM Proprinter XL ...
Page 259: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 7 Bar Codes Control 1 Chapter 7 Bar Code Control ...
Page 267: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 8 HP GL2 1 CHAPTER 8 HP GL 2 Graphics Language ...
Page 280: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 8 HP GL2 14 220 END Sample 21 ...
Page 328: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 9 HP GL 1 CHAPTER 9 HP GL Graphics Language ...
Page 342: ...Revision C 16 01 96 Chapter 9 HP GL 15 Sample 68 ...
Page 387: ...Revision C 16 01 96 APPENDIX A COMPALISON LIST 24 RESOLUTION 300 600 300 600 300 600 ...