GT-3 Series
4. Printing Directly from Applications
Print "WhiteVolume_1200.ar3" or "WhiteVolume_600.ar3" to find out the optimal Highlight / Mask. Those data
are in [ All Program ] > [ Brother GT-3 Tools ] > [ Test Data ].
How to open the WhiteVolume_600.ar3 and WhiteVolume_1200.ar3
Image of WhiteVolume_1200.ar3 printed on Lavender T-shirt (R=174, G=111, B=255)
4-3-7. Print with Black Ink on black garment
You do not have to print for black color on a black T-shirt. When [ Print with Black ink ] is OFF, RGB=0 black is
transparent and other dark colors are expressed with the background T-shirt body color.
4-3-8. Making Gray with CMY Inks
This menu is valid when [ Print with Black Ink ] is OFF. The monochrome grays are printed only with "less" White
Ink when this menu is OFF and grays are printed with CMY composite grays when this menu is ON. Select [ ON ]
when you need as much as the same colors with/without Black ink. Select [ OFF ] when you need "clear color"
and "White-Ink-Only gradation" on the black T-shirt.