© 2018 BROSA AG, Tettnang, Germany
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0656 FlexLim (Safe) system V1.00
Enter a new display time. Transfer the previous value by pressing "ESC".
5.1.12 Bootloader
The system will enter Bootloader mode in 5 seconds (counting down). As
soon as the system is in Bootloader mode, an exclamation mark is sent.
5.1.13 Integration of new sensors during replacement
If a defect occurs on a CANopen sensor, it is possible to replace it and
integrate the sensor via the "Base node" menu item in the service menu.
Depending on the system configuration, the sensors are named ID 11-18.
The base node is defined with node ID 10. The spare sensor supplied by
BROSA must also be preconfigured with node ID 10 so that it can be
configured to the node ID to be replaced via the controller.
The display shows the node IDs which are currently not used. If you change
several sensors in a system, the system administrator must know which sensor
he/she has just replaced. Please note that only one sensor with node ID 10
Bootloader in 5
Bootloader in 1!
Tool block weighing
Display time: 500ms
1. Configuration
2. Base node
Bootloader in 5
Bootloader in 1!