0656 FlexLim (Safe) system V1.00
© 2018 BROSA AG, Tettnang, Germany
32 / 40
Enter the new number or leave the old PIN unchanged by pressing the "ESC"
key and return to the previous menu.
5.1.9 Service
See the "Service" section.
5.1.10 Baud rate
If there are problems communicating with the external display via the RS 485
interface, the baud rate can be adjusted.
Select the desired baud rate.
Comment: This option only changes the baud rate of the system. To ensure
proper communication between the system and the external display, the baud
rate of the external display must also be switched.
5.1.11 Tool block
Selection of the tool block to be edited
Enter a new average. Transfer the previous value by pressing "ESC".
1. 9600bd
2. 38400bd
Tool block
7. Tool block 7
8. Tool block 8
Tool block weighing
module average time: