Section 1 Introduction
Figure 1-4 SLAMf Series RS485/Analog Terminal Connections
Communication Interfaces
The SLAMf Series supports 0-5 Vdc, 4-20 mA, DeviceNet, Profibus & Ether
Net/IP communication protocols. DeviceNet, Profibus, and RS485 are multi-
drop connections that allow a maximum of 64 devices for DeviceNet, 128
devices for Profibus and 32 devices for RS485 to be connected on the same
Brooks Instruments' DeviceNet profile has been certified by the ODVA (Open
DeviceNet Vendor's Association). EtherNET/IP complies with ODVA require-
Brooks Instrument Profibus interface has been certified by the PNO (Profibus
User Organization).
RS485 Communications
The Brooks SLAMf Digital Series is equipped with RS485 communication
capability. This form of multi-drop capable communication provides access to
many of the SLA enhanced digital functions for "control and monitor" opera-
tions, including:
• Accurate setpoint adjustment and flow output measurement
(including units of measure selection)
• Valve Override (controller only)
• Flow Totalizer
• Alarm status and settings
• Soft Start Control (controller only)
Refer to Figure 1-1, to configure the device to communicate via a personal
computer for process control. The communication speed (baud rate) is soft-
ware selectable.
Baud rate selections for the Brooks SLAMf Digital Series related to RS485
are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200
baud and can be selected via software.
RS485 is essentially a multidrop connection. It allows a maximum of 32
devices to be connected to a computer system. Personal computers are not
equipped with RS485 ports as standard. An RS232/USB to RS485 converter
or RS485 interface board is therefore required to connect an RS485 network
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote Trans-
ducer Pressure Controllers only.