Sudden tempeSatuSe diYYeSences can cause condensation OateS in the unitE An such
situations the equipment must Semain in a Oell Qentilated place YoS 1 houS to
acclimatise to the neO tempeSatuSe ZeYoSe staStupE
Do not opeSate the units in an enQiSonment OheSe theSe is a SisU oY eNplosionE
The monolight should not Ze opeSated in oS neaS OateSE Attention: high QoltageE
The monolight and the lamps should not Ze immeSsed in OateS oS otheS liquidsE
At could cause an electSic shocUE
RemoQe the tSanspoSt pSotection cap on the YSont side oY the lamp ZeYoSe connecting
it to the monolightE
FoS saYet| Seasonse neQeS opeSate the monolight Oithout the pSotecting glass in placeE
jidcoated pSotecting glasses oS jidcoated Ylash tuZes must Ze utilised as a
pSotection against ji Sadiation YoS e|es and sUinE
GeYoSe opeSatione the monolight has to Ze Yastened on a stand oS a suspension
deQiceE The lamp must Ze locUed Z| tightening the mounting scSeOE
lnl| sanddYilled Yuses oY the t|pe indicated on the saYet| t|pe plate ma| Ze usedE
SanddYilled Yuses can Ze identiYied Z| theiS opaque Yuse Zod|E
hith incoSSect Yuse pSotection the halogen lamp ma| ZuSstE
FilteSs oS diYYusoSs should not Ze Yastened diSectl| on the Ylash tuZee halogen
modelling lamp oS pSotecting glassE
Do not opeSate the appliance Oith a damaged eaSthed caZle. FaZles Ohich aSe
damaged oS tOisted must Ze SeplacedE
The unit must onl| Ze connected to an eaSthed socUete oS an emeSgenc| poOeS
AY an eNtension caZle is necessaS|e a caZle Oith a cuSSent Sating at least equal to that
oY the appliance should Ze used. FaZles Sated YoS less ampeSage than the appliance
ma| oQeSheat. hhen using a caZle Seele it must Ze completel| unSolled ZeYoSe use to
pSeQent oQeSheating oY the caZleE
The unit is suitaZle YoS opeSation Oith a motoS geneSatoS pSoQided that the Qoltage lies
Oithin all the load conditions Kincluding capacitiQe loadw and Oithin the toleSance limit
oY a00da64 i SespectiQel| HId1^I iE FSom eNpeSience this means that onl| electSonic
staZilised motoS geneSatoSs aSe to Ze utilisedE hhen opeSating on unstaZilised motoS
geneSatoSse Qoltage peaUs oY ^00 i and moSe haQe Zeen oZseSQedE This can lead to
damages YoS Ohich Oe assume no liaZilit|E
Do not opeSate the monolight inside a Zag oS a ZoNE
The Qentilation slits on the unit oS on the lamp should not Ze coQeSedE
ka| attention Ohen la|inge cleaSing aOa| oS Solling up caZles that the| do not contact
hot suSYaces oS paSts oY lamps and that the| Oill not Ze tSipped oQeS Z| peSsonsE
Do not touch the connection socUets YoS mains caZle and lamp outlets on the
monolight and do not poUe in them Oith metal oZWectsE
Flash tuZese modelling lighte halogen lamps and pSotecting glasses heat up to a high
opeSating tempeSatuSee this also applies to the YSont side oY the monolightE TheSeYoSe
the attachments also assume high tempeSatuSesE Bandle Oith caSeE Fontact Oith hot
components can cause inWuSiesE
Do not come into contact Oith glass oS metal Ohilst opeSating the Ylash light s|stemE