oet the unit and its connected lamp Zase cool completel| aYteS use and ZeYoSe
AlOa|s unplug appliance YSom electSical socUet ZeYoSe cleaning and seSQicing and
Ohen not in useE neQeS WeSU caZle to pull the plug YSom the socUet. CSasp plug and pull
to disconnectE
DSopped oS damaged units oS lamps must Ze checUed Z| a specialist ZeYoSe
To Seduce the SisU oY electSic shocUe do not open this appliancee Zut taUe it to a
qualiYied seSQice peSson Ohen seSQice oS SepaiS OoSU is SequiSed. AncoSSect SeassemZl|
can cause electSic shocU Ohen the appliance is used suZsequentl|E
Shipping instSuctions Minicom 40 / 80 / 160:
jse oSiginal ZSoncoloS pacUing YoS the tSanspoSt oY the monolights. GeYoSe shipping Ylash
tuZese halogen lamp and pSotection glasse pacU them Oith ouS pSotectiQe pacUing
mateSial KYoam plastic and tSanspoSt capw. AY the pSotectiQe pacUaging is incompletee
SemoQe Ylash tuZee halogen lamp and pSotection glass YSom the monolight and send them