3.2 Service Clearances
A minimum clearance of 500mm must be provided at the side facing away from the house.
A minimum clearance of 300mm must be provided at each end of the heater.
A minimum clearance of 1000mm must be provided above the heater roof. This clearance must be maintained for
the entire surface area of the heater roof.
3.3 Reversing the Heater
The duct orientation of StarPro SP5 & SP6 External heaters can be reversed if the installation requires it.
• Remove the screws at the bottom edge of the front panel of the heater, and carefully lift away the front panel,
without scratching or marking it.
• There are two blanking plates behind the front panel, which cover the two pop holes. Remove the two
blanking plates.
• Fit the two blanking plates to cover the original pop holes to prevent air leakage.
• Above the original pop holes there will be a flashing bracket secured by screws, which needs to be reversed.
Remove the flashing bracket, and fit it to the new pop outlet side of the heater.
• Gently fit the front panel back in place on the reverse side from where it was removed, and fasten using the
screws along the bottom edge.
3.4 Installation of Flashing
A minimum 75mm flashing must be fitted to ensure the ductwork is adequately weather protected.
• Clip flashing into position by placing the lugs of the flashing firmly into the slots on either side of the cabinet
wrap flanges at the rear of appliance.
• Place a bead of silicone along the upstanding face of the top flashing then push the heater up against wall
and secure sides of flashing to the wall.
It is important to allow for sufficient slack in the ducting connected to the heater’s pops, to allow the
heater to be moved out from the wall if required for servicing.
324702 CAAB024953 StarPro Installers Heat issue D.indd 11
17/05/16 8:41 AM