I E16x442 Rev: 00
Page 47 of 73
Parameter Group P02.xx (continued) of Monitor E1665
Sensor Failure Monitoring
Parameter No.
Meaning of Parameter
Setting Range of Parameter
Description of Parameters and their Settings
Lowspeed Monitoring
"n < SP2"
Range: 0 .. 4
Safety Note:
The Lowspeed Monitoring "n < SP2" is the only compre-
hensive protection versus a systematic fault of any type of
speed sensor (no speed signal from sensor at running
Setting of P02.06 = 0 is only allowed for test purposes dur-
ing start-up of the machine. In normal operation P02.06
must be set to a value of 1 or 2 or 3 or 4.
Function of Lowspeed Monitoring "n < SP2":
Following the end of the Starter phase (Start-Up Bridging) the measured
speed must exceed the value set for SP2. If the measured speed n is then
lower than SP2, trip is released.
Function of Starter Plausibility Check:
starter condition is true
and plausibility check is on
and speed exceeds 50% of overspeed setpoint SP1A
Monitor Warning Alarm is released by plausibility check and error code
E. is displayed.
0 : Monitoring switched off (not permissible, see safety note above)
1 : Trip and Alarm till rectified, starter plausibility check on
2 : Trip and Alarm latched, starter plausibility check on
3 : Trip and Alarm, till rectified / starter plausibility check off
4 : Trip and Alarm latched / starter plausibility check off