I E16x442 Rev: 00
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Inputs Test I, Test II, Test III
If the input is high, the corresponding Trip-Line will switch to trip condition.
The inputs are not inhibited versus each other.
The input “Test I, II, III” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
Inputs Starter (Override of SP2)
Each monitor has one input for the starter condition. As long as the input is high, the starter
condition is true.
During starter condition the monitoring versus Lowspeed (SP2) is disabled.
The inputs “Starter” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
Inputs SP1B valid
Each monitor has one input to select SP1B as trip setpoint.
As long as the input is high, setpoint value SP1B (see step P03.03 of E1665) is true.
With open input (low), setpoint value SP1A (see P03.00 of E1665) is true.
The inputs “SP!B
valid” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated SIL2/IEC61508.
Technical Data of inputs see 3.1.3.
This chapter is left blank intentionally
Inputs for Voter 1
The input signals for Voter 1 are internally connected to all monitors in parallel.
The input load of Voter 1 meets the requirements for the redundant outputs of a failsafe PLC
(load > 45 ma per input).
The signal truth level (high or low as trip condition), the voting principle (1oo2, 2oo2, 2oo3,
3oo3) and the response time is selectable. Configuration of the voter is done in steps P10.xx
of E1665.
The inputs “Voter 1” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs for Voter 1 see 3.1.4.
Inputs for Voters 2 … 6
The input signals for Voters
2 … 6 are internally connected to all monitors in parallel.
The signal truth level (high or low : trip condition), the voting principle (1oo2, 2oo2, 2oo3,
3oo3) and the response time is selectable for each voter individually. Configuration of voters is
done in steps P11.xx to P15.xx of E1665.
Technical Data of inputs for Voter 2 … 6 see 3.1.3.
The inputs “Voter 2…6” are rated SIL2/IEC61508 provided that the signal source is rated
Technical Data of inputs for V
oter 2 … 6 see 3.1.3.
Systems E16x442
.x1x do not have inputs for Voters 2 … 6 .