Adding/Removing Zones
Only zones that are configured will appear on the Home Screen. To add a zone, go to
Settings > Zone Settings
and select “Add/Remove Zone”. Press “Add Zone” in the pop-up
window. There must always be at least one zone present for the system to function. A
maximum of 32 zones may be configured. To remove a zone, follow the above steps but press
“Remove Zone” in the pop-up window. Any settings and assignments made to the zone will be
Adjusting the Setpoints
Relay setpoints to select the gas concentration threshold are configured independently for
each individual relay. To change the setpoints, navigate to
Settings > Relay Settings > Relay
. Tap on either “CO Setpoint” or “NO
Setpoint” and use the arrows in the pop-up window to
change the setpoint value. Pressing and holding the arrows will change the value more quickly
in the respective direction.
Alarm setpoints are configured per zone. To change the alarm setpoints, navigate to
> Zone Settings > Zone #
. Tap on “Alarm Settings” and use the arrows in the pop-up window
to change the setpoint values. As with the relay setpoints, pressing and holding the arrows will
enable making larger changes quicker.
Rev 1.1 – May 18, 2021