World Of PC IEEE.
PC IEEE Reference
thought out, PC based implementation, of a superset of Hewlett
Packard’s HPIB language. The commands and your programs
read just like plain English and so program development and
maintenance time are cut to an absolute minimum. Since your
time is extremely valuable we made Pro-488 code easy to write,
simple to debug and a pleasure to read. Pro-488 runs identically
across the range of DOS languages. The syntax, parameters and
returns of the Pro-488 system remain the same, independent of
the language that you are running. No extra language drivers or
run time modules are needed to implement a new language. So
you can use the ideal IEEE system with the language of your
choice. The readily available bus status string contains a wealth
of information about the state of the IEEE bus and is easily
processed in any language. Pro-488 is feature rich, with a wide
range of commands, from the lowest level, of individual line
control, right up through single word commands that perform or
initiate whole sequences of bus actions. Its IEEE-488 without the
Learn How To Use It In Minutes.
Since the Professional-488 talks the established IEEE
control language, you probably already know how to use it! A
good way of learning how to use the Professional 488 is inter-
actively from the keyboard of your Personal Computer using the
GPIBTALK suit of programs. Included on the Professional 488
system disk is the source code, and the ready run versions of,
GPIBTALK in each of four languages. ATALK in Assembly
and BASICA. These powerful programs are a menu driven sys-
tem that allows you to send IEEE commands, transmit and
receive data from your bus devices and check the status of the
GPIB interface bus, all at the touch of a single key. In this way
the user can get a good feel of the power and ease of use of the
Professional 488 command language in a very short time. Most
IEEE equipment includes worked examples that are virtually
word for word PRO-488 commands!
Chapter 1
Page 5