AT0 transmission start‐
ing time (t1)
Displays the starting time (t1) of the AT0 telegram within a
Sercos communication cycle. The time is transmitted by
the Sercos master to the field bus coupler. The content
corresponds to parameter IDN/S-0-1006 "AT0 transmis‐
sion starting time (t1)" of the Sercos specification
Feedback acquisition
capture point (t4)
Displays the acquisition capture point of the input data
within a Sercos communication cycle. The time is transmit‐
ted by the Sercos master to the field bus coupler. The con‐
tent corresponds to parameter IDN/S-0-1007 "Feedback
acquisition capture point (t4)" of the Sercos specification
Ring delay
Displays the telegram running time on the Sercos field bus
(ring) calculated by the Sercos master. The content corre‐
sponds to parameter IDN/S-0-1015 "Ring delay" of the
Sercos specification
Displays the time that a P-telegram sent from the master
requires until the telegram is received by the slave (field
bus coupler). The content corresponds to the first list ele‐
ment of parameter IDN/S-0-1016 "Slave delay (P&S)" of
the Sercos specification
Displays the time that an S-telegram sent from the master
requires until the telegram is received by the slave (field
bus coupler). The content corresponds to the second list
element of parameter IDN/S-0-1016 "Slave delay (P&S)"
of the Sercos specification
Port delay
Displays the time difference between the receipt of the P
and S-telegrams in the slave (field bus coupler). This time
corresponds to the difference of the "SYNCNT-P" and
"SYNCNT-S" times
SYNC jitter
Displays the maximum synchronicity jitter that was trans‐
mitted from the Sercos master to the field bus coupler.
The content corresponds to parameter IDN/S-0-1023
"SYNC jitter" of the Sercos specification
Local bus cycle time
Displays the cycle time of the S-BUS in μs. The content
corresponds to parameter IDN/S-0-1500.00.23 "Local Bus
Cycle Time" of the Sercos specification
Output sampling point
Displays the time within the Sercos communication cycle
at which the outputs are switched. The content corre‐
sponds to the manufacturer-specific parameter IDN/
P-0-1500.0.24 "Output Sampling Point (tosp)"
Input sampling point
Displays the time within the Sercos communication cycle
at which the inputs are recorded. The content corresponds
to the manufacturer-specific parameter IDN/P-0-1500.0.25
"Input Sampling Point (tisp)"
DivClk cycle ratio
Displays the step-down factor of the S-BUS to the Sercos
communication cycle time. Example: Sercos communica‐
tion cycle time 125μs, S-BUS cycle time 500μs, step-down
factor = 4). The content corresponds to the manufacturer-
specific parameter IDN/P-0-1500.0.128 "DivClk Cycle Ra‐
tio (n)"
Tab. 8-7:
Describing parameters of the "Sercos Diagnostics" page
Rexroth IndraControl S67 Sercos Coupler 8 Digital Inputs (M8)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Web-Based Management (WBM)