Diagnostics 159/176
3 842 530 344/2014-05, MIT: ID 40,
Bosch Rexroth AG
12 Diagnostics
This chapter is intended to assist you in determining the cause of problems or errors.
12.1 Troubleshooting guide
Consider the following when troubleshooting:
What was the
situation in the system
when the error(s) occurred?
1. After starting up the system/a workstation
2. After modifying/expanding the system or PLC program
3. While the system was running normally
The first and second instances can be attributed to an installation or start-up error,
or errors following a modification or reprogramming.
The third instance could be caused by operator error (e.g., manual workstation,
trainee) or defective equipment.
12.1.1 Important information that can indicate errors
Error indications in the application program (PLC)
• Error codes in response to command-oriented data exchange
• Actual SLK link state
• Error messages from the PDP master
• Error bits in the MDT status
Error indications on the SLK display
• The SLK display flashes “E00” for a fault during MDT sign-on or sign-off after the
DISCONNECT or RECONNECT commanded link state
• No fieldbus indicators, SLK is not online on the bus
• The entire display flashes, regardless of content. See Chapter 12.1.2 “Fatal system
errors” for what this means
• Sign of life stops rotating, system error
Error indications on MDT and SLK
• HF antenna cover does not light up when the MDT enters the SLK area
• MDT LED remains off when the MDT enters the SLK area
• MDT LED shows red
12.1.2 Fatal system errors
When a fatal system error occurs, the ID 40 system can no longer work in a
controlled fashion. This is why the SLK stops all functions. This state is comparable
to the “blue screen” seen in Microsoft Windows operating systems
System status after fatal system error
• The entire display flashes continuously, including the indicators in display area 2
(see Chapter 2.2.2 “Status display”). The content of the display shows the last
state before the fatal system error occurred. Note this for diagnostic purposes
• The HF field to the MDT is turned off for safety reasons. Here it is possible that a
linked MDT has encountered a communication error