Whilst it is always our intention to fully assist, it is essential to recognise that all information given by the company in response to an enquiry of any nature is provided in good faith and based
upon the information provided with the enquiry. We recommend that advice should always be checked with your installer or contract partner. Consequently, the company cannot be held
responsible for any liability relating to the use or repetition of such information or part thereof. In addition, whilst making every reasonable effort to monitor the performance and quality of
our supply, installation and service network, we do not accept responsibility for the workmanship or operation of any third party company that the company may have promoted either in
conversation, e-mail, or other communication. Similarly, the views and opinions expressed in communication with individuals within the company may not reflect that of the business as a whole.
You can find this, and all issued technical bulletins on the Worcester website at:
Worcester, Bosch Group, Cotswold Way, Warndon, Worcester WR4 9SW Technical Services: 0330 123 3366 | [email protected]
Bosch Flue and Ventilation Quick Reference Guide 2022
Open flue terminations above 333kW net input
When a flue configuration is rated over 333 kW net heat input then according to the ‘Clean air act’ local authorities must be
informed to gain approval of the Chimney height. This is to ensure that flue discharges do not cause nuisance to others or become
a health hazard.
In accordance with IGEM-UP-10: 3.1.1
The flue height should be calculated considering the building height, adjacent buildings, adjacent chimneys, and flues. If a
taller building is within 5U (see
Figure 16
) of the flue termination point, the taller building height should be used for the
This guidance only considers the simple case where a single flue is attached to a building. For more complex situations,
refer to IGEM/UP/10 Edition 4.
The total flue height = the building height (in metres) + (0.6 x U (the uncorrected chimney height))
(See Figure 17)
4x GC 7000 WP @ 386 kW Net heat input = 0.859U, Building Height = 9m
Chimney height (H
) = Building Height (H
) + 0.6U = 9 + 0.6 x 0.859 (1) = 10m (Round up to the nearest meter)
4x GC 7000 WP @ 560.4 kW Net heat input = 1.074U, Building Height = 15m
Chimney height (H
) = Building Height (H
) + 0.6U = 15 + 0.6 x 1.074 (1.1) = 17.2m (Round up to the nearest meter)
Figure 16
Figure 17