Applications Manual FHP560 Controller
| 27
Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
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6. Options
Auxiliary Electric Heat:
Electric Heat (EH) option may be factory or
eld installed and must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. Only one (1) stage of auxiliary
electric heat is supported and may be con
gured for BO-4 (single stage compressor units) or BO-5 (dual stage compressor units).
Upon a call for heating with demand greater than 90% (user con
gurable), the EH signal will be enabled to maintain setpoint at the con
output as follows:
Straight cool units:
enabled with no delay
Single stage heat pump units:
enabled 5 mins after first stage of mechanical heat if demand is still above 90%.
Dual stage heat pump units:
enabled 5 mins after second stage of mechanical heat if demand is still above 90%.
Hot Gas Reheat
Once the heat/cool setpoint has been satis
ed and relative humidity is above setpoint, the unit will operate in hot-gas reheat mode to actively
remove humidity from the space until the the humidity setpoint has been satis
ed, or there’s another call for heating or cooling.
Relative humidity readings may be acquired from an appropriate ZS Combo Pro or Standard sensor, third-party 0-5Vdc sensor connected in
IN-1 or IN-2 of the controller, or over a network; software must be con
gured accordingly.
Humidity setpoint may be adjusted from a space ZS Pro sensor, network, or BACview interface.
Boilerless Control:
Boilerless control (BLC) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. A factory installed entering water temperature sensor in IN-5
(IN-2 if IN-5 is unavailable) is used to enable boilerless control.
Entering water temperature values less than 40°F (user con
gurable) will enable boilerless control.
Compressor operation is disabled upon boilerless control signal being activated.
An electric heat package must be installed for boilerless control option. Electric heat will be enabled on binary output BO-5 when boilerless
signal is activated.
Water Side Economizer (WSE) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. A factory installed Entering Water Temperature (EWT)
sensor in IN-5 (IN-2 if IEM is present) is used to enable the economizer mode during cooling operations.
Entering water temperature values below 55°F (user con
gurable) will enable economizer mode.
Once enabled, unit will run in economizer mode until the EWT exceeds 58°F (user con
A 3-way economizer valve is required for the WSE option and is connected to BO-5.
Condenser Water Valve:
Factory installed loop valve with Valve End Switch (VES) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. Upon a call for compressor
operation the normally closed valve is indexed to open via BO-5. Compressor operation is not enabled until Valve End Switch is engaged
(valve fully open).
Valve open status is veri
ed via the VES within 1.5 Mins of valve enable command.
If VES contacts do not engage within the speci
ed time, VES fail alarm is initiated. If valve opens without command from BO-5, valve in hand
alarm is initiated.
Compressor operation is disabled 20 secs after VES opens (fails) when loop valve has been indexed to open.
Circulating Water Pump (Loop Pump):
Factory installed loop pump with with optional current sensor for pump status veri
cation must be con
gured by the equipment integrator.
Upon a call for compressor operation the pump is indexed to run via BO-5. Compressor operation is not enabled until sensor switch is closed
(pump is energized and running).
Pump status is veri
ed via the pump status switch (current sensor) within 15 secs of pump enable command.
If pump status switch (PSS) does not close within the 15 secs, PSS fail alarm is initiated. If pump runs without command from BO-5, pump in
hand alarm is initiated.
Compressor operation is disabled 20 secs after PSS opens (fails) when pump has been indexed to run.
Dirty Filter Switch:
eld installed status switch is used to provide a contact closure at the con
gured input (IN-5 or IEM) when the
lter is ready to be serviced.
An alarm is generated immediately after the switch closes, and is available on a ZS Pro sensor, BACview interface, or over a network.
Smoke Detector Switch:
eld installed smoke detector provides a contact closure at the con
gured input (IN-5 or IEM) during a smoke event, and will initiate
emergency shutdown procedures after 5 seconds (no time delay if network point is used for shutdown instead of switch).
When the unit is shutdown by the smoke detector the unit will be set as follows:
Supply fan will be on (user configurable) (user configurable)
Compressor(s) will be off
The unit may be con
gured to operate the fan during a smoke event for speci
c safety applications; system integrator must determine the
appropriate fan behavior.
Fan Status Switch:
The status output from a factory-installed current sensor provides a contact closure at the con
gured input (IN-5 or IEM) to prove fan
The fan command output is disabled if a contact closure is not detected 35 secs after the unit fan is indexed on by the controller.
Differential Pressure Switch:
Differential Pressure Switch (DPS) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. A factory installed differential pressure switch is
tied in to the controller at the con
gured input (IN-5 or IEM) and used to prove
ow prior to unit compressor operation.
If the DPS opens during normal heating/cooling operation, compressor operation is ceased after 15 secs and an alarm is generated.
Once the switch re-closes, a time delay prevents unit compressor operation until 3 mins has elapsed to ensure
ow is fully re-established.
Secondary Condensate Drain Pan:
The Secondary Condensate Drain Pan (SDP) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. A factory installed SDP is tied in to the
controller at the con
gured input (IN-5 or IEM) and used to monitor condensate levels.
If an open contact is detected at the controller input for more than 10 secs during normal heating/cooling operation, compressor operation is
ceased and an alarm is generated.
Normal compressor operation is restored once a contact closure is re-established at the input.
Outside Air Damper:
Field installed fresh air damper with Damper End Switch (DES) option must be con
gured by the equipment integrator. Damper may be
indexed to open based on:
damper opens 10 secs after unit enters occupied mode, and closes 2 mins after unit leaves occupied mode.
Fan Operation:
damper opens 10 secs after fan is energized and running, and closes 2 mins after fan is de-energized and remains off.
damper opens if zone CO
levels exceed 1000ppm (user configurable) and closes 2 mins after CO
levels fall and stay below
trip value.
Air Economizer:
damper opens upon a call for cooling. If the outside air temperature and humidity fall within a user configured range
(default: 50°F to 60°F OAT & 40%RH to 50%RH OARH), compressor operation is disabled and only the fan is used to condition the space.
If space setpoint is not satisfied within 7 minutes of fan only operation, compressor operation is enabled to provide additional stage(s) of
When DES is con
gured, compressor operation is not enabled until the switch is engaged (damper fully open).
Compressor operation is disabled 20 secs after DES fails when damper has been indexed to open.