6 720 643 259 (2010/05)
Viewing information
Heating circuit
ID heating circuit
Currently-assigned heating circuit.
Operating mode
Auto - Comfort | Auto -
Economy | Auto - Frost |
Comfort | Economy |
Frost | Vacation - Auto |
Vacation - Comfort |
Vacation - Economy |
Vacation - Frost | Slab
Current operating mode for the assigned heating
Desired room temperature
77.0 °F (25.0 °C)
Desired room temperature for the assigned heating
circuit (only if “Room influence” is active).
Current room temperature
71.6 °F (22.0 °C)
Room temperature measured on the FB 100.
Desired heating supply
167.0 °F (75.0 °C)
Supply temperature calculated and required by the
FB 100 for the assigned heating circuit.
Current heating supply
116.6 °F (47.0 °C)
Supply temperature measured in the assigned
heating circuit.
Heating pump
On | Off
Heating pump switching status in the assigned
heating circuit.
Current mixer setting
85% open
Current opening of the mixing valve in the assigned
heating circuit.
Customer service
Telephone number
(Telephone number)
Telephone number of installer (system installer).
Name of installer (system installer).
– –
Solar yield last hour
409 BTU (120 Wh)
Solar energy yield in the last hour (a figure is only
shown here if correct parameters have been set on
the Solar optimization menu on the outdoor reset
Solar yield today
8.12 MBTU (2.38 kWh)
Solar energy yield for the current 24 hour period.
Desired room temp reduced
2.4 °F (1.3 °C)
Current reduction of desired room temperature
based on available solar energy. Does not start until
at least 30 days after commissioning.
40 Solarsystem
03 FB ID 1
EA boiler
List of current faults. More detailed information can
be obtained by selecting with the dial
and then
pressing the dial
to confirm.
Menu structure INFO
Variable example display