Safety Regulation when using Bona Belt (Cont.)
Remove service tools before starting the
Check to ensure no tools are on the machine when
starting or running the machine.
Use personal safety equipment
Use a P2 face mask. Use approved ear protection.
Inspect the machine regularly
If broken parts are discovered these should be replaced
immediately. If needed, contact the manufacturer or a
manufacturer authorized distributor or service company.
Note! Usage of other accessories than what is recom-
mended can lead to the risk of personal injury and/or
cause damage to the machine.
Keep the machine in good working order
Keep the machine clean for better and safer use. Follow
the given instructions concerning lubrication and re-
placement of accessories. Inspect the machine regularly.
In the event of damage, repair or replace the faulty parts.
Keep the handle clean and free from grease.
Emptying the dust bag after sanding
After sanding, the dust bag must be emptied completely
and the contents stored safely outdoors and in a safe
place due to fire hazard. Explosions may occur in certain
concentrations of sanding dust.
Be aware when you work
Use common sense. Never use the machine if you are
tired, have consumed alcohol or if you take medica-
tions that can impair your sight, you judgment or motor
control. Due to sanding dust, smoking is not permitted
when sanding.