4.1 Heart Rate Contact
This machine has a built-in Contact Heart Rate System that allows you to verify your heart rate during a workout. By holding the
contact bars on the front handlebar, you will see your current pulse on screen. The console displays a heart rate within
10 to 15 seconds of contact with the sensors.
Do not attempt to grasp the sensors at a speed above 4.5 MPH, or 7.2 Km/h. For these speeds, the use of a heart rate chest
strap is recommended.
In order for the Contact Heart Rate to work properly, the palms must not be too moist.
Possible Contact Heart Rate Problems
In order to properly diagnose any problems with the contact heart rate system, please refer to the following procedures. This
machine uses a hand ECG (Electrocardiogram) printed circuit board along with wires and a set of metal plates. The hand ECG
board is an integral part of the machine and is located inside.
Troubleshooting - Table 1
No reading
Hands have not been in contact with the metal
plates long enough.
Defective hand contact board.
Wires are not connected properly.
Wait for 10 -15 seconds before a
Change ECG board.
Verify Wiring.
Erratic reading
Hands may move too much on the plates.
Defective hand contact board.
Strong neon lights too close to console.
Interference with other signals.
Do not move your hands.
Change board.
Move the machine.
Do not use this machine to verify.
Turn OFF or move any equipment
that could interfere.
4.2 Heart Rate Chest Strap
The Bodyguard
T460X / T460XC / T320X is equipped with Polar® telemetry designed to work with the HEART RATE CHEST
STRAP. The HEART RATE CHEST STRAP allows the computer to monitor your heart rate, or pulses per minute. This value is
shown on the computer screen and should only be used as a guide in helping you achieve your personal fitness goals.
If the chest strap is not used, there will be no heart rate monitoring displayed on the screen. Before using any HEART RATE
CHEST strap on any exercise equipment, it is important to consult with a physician prior to starting any exercise program.
WARNING – Before attempting to use any of this equipment, you should read the instruction manual carefully. Use of this
equipment by people with heart or other health problems may result in serious injury. You should consult with a physician prior to
using this equipment. It is recommended to periodically consult your physician as you continue to use this equipment.
Immediately cease exercise if you feel dizzy, faint or short of breath. Use of this equipment in a manner other than as prescribed
by these instructions herewith may result in serious injury.
As a guide to effective exercising, to determine your recommended heart rate training zone, find your MHR on the heart rate
chart (refer to page 5) and read the heart rate target zone based on various intensity levels and your age. These levels include
The chest strap delivers its most accurate heart rate reading when the electrodes are in direct contact with bare skin. However, it
might work with a slightly less accurate heart rate reading through a thin layer of wet clothing.
If it becomes necessary to re-moisten the chest strap electrodes, grasp the center of the strap, pull it away from the chest to
expose the two electrodes, and re-moisten them.
See the next diagram for correct positioning of the strap. The electrodes, which are the two grooved surfaces on the underside of
the strap, must remain wet to transmit accurately the electrical impulses of the heart back to the receiver. Moisten the electrodes.
Then, secure the strap as high under the chest muscles as possible. The strap should be snug, but comfortable enough to allow
normal breathing.