Step 26.
Re move the four 6-32
5/8-in. screws that se cure the bear ing hous ing to the cru ci ble mount -
ing flange. To do so hold the bear ing hous ing-mount ing flange as sem bly in one hand, with
the top of the mount ing flange fac ing down. Then in sert the Allen driver into the re cesses in
the bear ing hous ing that hold the four screws and re move them, as shown in Fig ure 5-14.
Fig ure 5-15 shows the parts dis as sem bled so far, with the fol low ing sub as sem blies still in tact:
The emit ter as sem bly (see sec tion 4.3 for dis as sem bly in struc tions and parts il lus tra tion)
The bear ing hous ing as sem bly (see sec tion 5.3 for dis as sem bly in struc tions and parts il lus tra tion)
The drive as sem bly (see sec tion 5.4 for dis as sem bly in struc tions and parts il lus tra tion)
Source Disassembly
Figure 5-14. Removing the screws that secure the bearing housing assembly to the crucible
mounting flange
Crucible mounting flange
(PN 0412-1323-0)
Bottom of pivot shaft
(PN 0413-1333-0)
Bearing housing
(PN 0214-9272-0)
13/16” OD x 1/16”
O-ring (PN 2231-0019-0)