The re mov able cru ci ble cover of the PopTop SuperSource2 pro vides quick ac cess to the cru ci ble, mak ing it
easy to clean the cru ci ble cover and the up per sur faces of the cru ci ble, or re move the cru ci ble. Fol low the pro -
ce dure de scribed be low when re mov ing the cover for any of these rea sons.
Using the Al len wrench pro vided with the unit, re move the three socket-head screws that se cure the
cru ci ble cover to the push rods (see Fig ure 3-3) and re move the cover. To en sure that the con nec tion
be tween the push rods and spi der plate are not in ad ver tently loos ened, use a back ing wrench on the
push rods.
The water circuit can remain active while you remove the crucible
cover, as cooling water does not flow through the cover.
Check the cru ci ble and cover for flakes of de bris and ex ces sive evaporant buildup. Pay es pe cially
close at ten tion to the bar ri ers be tween the pock ets and to the edge of the cut out in the front of the
cover. Build-up along these sur faces can im pede proper seat ing of the cover to the coil hous ing dur -
ing op er a tion. Re move any buildup from the edge of the cover’s cut out, or, if you have a clean cover
on hand, re place the cover and set the used one aside for thor ough clean ing and glass-bead hon ing. If
the cover has be come warped or has rough sur faces, smooth and straighten. Clean the buildup on the
cru ci ble’s bar ri ers as thor oughly as pos si ble with out risk ing con tam i na tion of the ma te rial in the
pock ets.
Figure 3-3. Removing the crucible cover