Elec tri cal Power
To pro duce an elec tron beam, the source must be pow ered by an elec tron-beam power sup ply ca pa ble of pro -
vid ing up to 35 A of fil a ment cur rent at 12 V ac and up to 1.5 A of emis sion cur rent at 4-10 kV dc (10 kW
max.). A sep a rate cir cuit must sup ply up to 4 A ac at 13 V ac to the gun’s de flec tion coils. On sys tems with out
beam sweep con trol, this power is sup plied by the e-beam power sup ply. If beam-sweep con trol is de sired, the
de flec tion coil cur rent must be sup plied by a beam sweep con trol ler.