![BOC Edwards Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT Manual Download Page 25](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/boc-edwards/temescal-supersource2-stih-270-2pt/temescal-supersource2-stih-270-2pt_manual_2781970025.webp)
Fol low the pro ce dures de scribed be low and re fer to Fig ure 2-1 in in stall ing the source.
The source should be mounted ONLY on a source tray made of
type-304 stainless steel or some other nonmagnetic material.
Mounting the source on a magnetic material will severely distort the
source’s magnetic field.
Pro ce dure 1: Lay Out the Source Tray
First de ter mine the gun’s pre cise mount ing po si tion on the source tray. The op ti mal lo ca tion de pends on sev -
eral fac tors:
Both bot tom- and side drive guns must be mounted with ad e quate space avail able for the pneu matic
cyl in der and spi der plate to func tion.
The ex posed pocket must be po si tioned cor rectly with re spect to the sys tem’s sub strate fixturing.
The op er a tor must have a clear view of the ex posed pocket through the viewport. On sys tems with de -
po si tion shut ters, the viewport must be low enough to al low a clear line of sight be neath the shut ter. On
such sys tems, pro vid ing a clear line of sight over the raised cru ci ble cover will re quire po si tion ing the
source with its front end point ing from 30° to 60° away from the viewport. On sys tems with out de po si -
tion shut ters, the viewport can be mounted as high as de sired, so the source can be po si tioned at al most
any an gle with re spect to the viewport. How ever, for safety rea sons, the source should never be
mounted so that ei ther its front or rear end faces a viewport.
Do NOT mount the source so that the viewport is either directly in
front of the source or directly behind it. Under certain conditions, the
full-strength electron beam can be directed toward those areas. The
result could be severe injury to anyone looking through the viewport.
The top is down switch must be ad justed so that the switch changes state when the cover is down, fully
seated on the coil hous ing.
There are ad di tional re quire ments if two sources are to be in stalled on one source tray. See sec tion 2.4
for a de scrip tion of these re quire ments.
Next de ter mine where the feedthroughs will be mounted, as their place ment de pends on where the source is
mounted. The air/wa ter feedthrough should be some where be hind the source. The high-volt age feedthroughs
should be mounted be side each other some where in front of the source, or per haps slightly off to one side, as
shown in Fig ure 2-1. The oc tal feedthrough should be mounted off to the other side of the source, ide ally as far
from the high-volt age feedthroughs as pos si ble. Do NOT mount all three elec tri cal feedthroughs in front of the
source, with the oc tal feedthrough po si tioned be tween the two high-volt age feedthroughs. This mount ing ar -
range ment makes it im pos si ble to iso late the coil-cur rent leads from the ef fects of the high-volt age. It is crit i cal
to pro vide this pro tec tion for the de flec tion coil leads. This can be ac com plished sim ply by mount ing the oc tal
so that the de flec tion coil leads run along the lower lip of the coil shield and to ward the side of the gun op po site
the high-volt age feedthroughs, as shown in Fig ure 2-1. With the leads routed this way, the coil shield pro vides
ad e quate iso la tion from the high volt age. If the coil shield can not be used to pro vide the re quired iso la tion, it will
be nec es sary to in stall a stain less steel high-volt age shield like the one shown in Fig ure 2-2.