The spares kit (PN 0916-8300-0) for the high-per for mance emit ter con tains a thick ness gauge (PN
0916-8281-0) de signed to en sure that the two beam formers are po si tioned cor rectly with re spect to
each other. In sert the blade of this spac ing gauge be tween the beam formers.
Push the two beam formers against the gauge with the thumb and fore fin ger of one hand while us ing
the other hand to tighten the screws that se cure the beam formers to the cath ode blocks. Doing this
will en sure that there is the cor rect 0.010" clear ance be tween the beam formers.
Care fully re move the spac ing gauge from be tween the beam formers and re turn it to the spares kit.
Per form steps 14 through 19 of the fil a ment re place ment pro ce dure (see sec tion 5.2).
Place the HV spac ing in su la tors in side their shields and re at tach them to the emit ter sup port bar,
with the closed ends of the shields fac ing the emit ter sup port bar. Use the re main ing two 3/8"-long
screws to at tach these parts.
Re at tach the emit ter mount ing bar to the other end of the HV spac ing in su la tors.
Re at tach the emit ter mount ing bracket to the emit ter sup port bar.
Re at tach the an ode to its mount ing bracket.
Re at tach the an ode mount ing bracket to the emit ter sup port bar.
Look into the gap be tween the for ward-fac ing sur faces of the beam formers and the an ode to ver ify
that this gap var ies by no more than 0.010". Then check the par al lel ism of the bot tom edges of these
sur faces. To do so, hold the emit ter with the bus bars fac ing you and slightly up turned, so that you
can just see the edges of the two beam formers be neath the front edge of the an ode. The vis i ble edge
of the beam formers should be par al lel to the bot tom edge of the an ode to within 0.010". If you find
that ei ther of these spa tial re la tion ships is out of tol er ance by more than 0.010", loosen the screws se -
cur ing the an ode to the an ode mount ing bracket and ad just the po si tion of the an ode. If ad just ing the
an ode’s po si tion does not bring these parts within the spec i fied tol er ances, at least one of them prob -
a bly need to be re placed. Re move the an ode and both beam formers and care fully ex am ine them for
dis tor tion to de ter mine which needs to be re placed.
Put the emit ter as sem bly in place in the source. Be fore tight en ing the knurled thumbnut, make sure
that the emit ter as sem bly is snug against the front of the base plate. The an ode plate of the emit ter as -
sem bly should line up with the open ing in the coil hous ing through which the beam arcs to ward the
cru ci ble.
Re con nect the fil a ment leads.
Maintenance of High-Performance Emitter Assembly