Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
[email protected] | www.berkeleynucleonics.com
2955 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael, CA 94901 | 800-234-7858
Rev 1.1
In the Continuous mode when the Run/Stop button is pressed the waveform is reproduced continuously
until the Run/Stop button is pressed again or Waveform / Run Mode is changed.
Marker Out behaviour in Continuous Run Mode
In Continuous mode, the
Marker Out
generates a pulse with a duty cycle of about 50% (Automatic width
mode) or a User predefined width (Manual width mode) at the beginning of each period. The Marker
have the same frequency of the carrier waveform until it is below 96.25MHz. Over 96.25MHz the
Marker Out frequency is divided by an integer value as described in the following:
Marker out frequency = Carrier frequency / 1 when: Carrier frequency < 96.25MHz
Marker out frequency = Carrier frequency / 2 when: 96.25MHz < Carrier frequency <= 192.5MHz
Marker out frequency = Carrier frequency / 4 when: 192.5MHz < Carrier frequency <= 385MHz