CANCEL button, Active Cruise Control
Care of displays, screens
Care, vehicle
Cargo area with emergency wheel, enlarg‐
Cargo straps, see Lashing eyes in the cargo
Caring Car, BMW Intelligent Personal Assis‐
CarPlay, connection to the vehicle
Car seats, see Transporting children safely
Cartridge replacement, see Ambient air pack‐
Car wash lines
Catalytic converter, see Hot exhaust gas sys‐
CBS Condition Based Service
Cell phone, see Owner's Manual for Navigation,
Entertainment and Communication
Central Information Display (CID), see Control
Central locking system
Central screen, see Control Display
Changes, technical, see For Your Own Safety
Charging smartphone, see Wireless charging
Charging tray for smartphones, see Wireless
charging tray
Chassis/suspension, electronic, see Adaptive M
Chassis number, see Vehicle identification num‐
Check Control
Checking the engine oil level electronically
Children, seating position
Child restraint systems, mounting
Child restraint systems, see Transporting chil‐
dren safely
Child safety locks
Child seats, see Transporting children
Cigarette lighter
Cigarette lighter, front
Clearance, water
Climate control
Climate control rules
Closing with the smartphone, see BMW Digital
Clothes hooks
Coasting with engine decoupled, see Coast‐
Combination switch, see Turn signals
Combination switch, see Washer/wiper sys‐
Comfort Access
COMFORT, see Driving Dynamics Control
Communication, see Owner's Manual for Naviga‐
tion, Entertainment and Communication
Compact wheel, see Emergency wheel
Comparison of entries, see Entry comparison
Compatible devices, see Suitable devices
Concierge Service, see Owner's Handbook for
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication
Seite 386
Everything from A to Z
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A11338 - VI/20