The battery for the Mild-Hybrid technology is lo‐
cated under a cover in the engine compartment
on the front passenger side.
Removing the cover
Turn lid up to the opened lock symbol
arrow 1.
Remove cover, arrow 2.
A purple cable leads from the battery to the cen‐
ter of the vehicle.
Do not replace or work on the battery for the
Mild Hybrid technology.
Disposing of old batteries
Have old batteries disposed of by a deal‐
er’s service center or another qualified
service center or repair shop or take
them to a collection point.
Maintain the filled battery in an upright position
for transport and storage. Secure the battery so
that it does not tip over during transport.
General information
The fuses are located at different places in the
Safety information
Incorrect and repaired fuses can overload elec‐
trical lines and components. There is a risk of
fire. Never attempt to repair a blown fuse. Do
not replace a nonworking fuse with a substitute
of another color or amperage rating.
In the car's interior
The fuses are located in the car's interior in the
front passenger floor area behind a cover.
Release mounting, arrow, and carefully bend the
trim panel down on the right side.
The fuse box is located on the front right.
In the cargo area
The fuses are located in the cargo area on the
right side behind a cover.
Seite 367
Replacing components
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A11338 - VI/20