Status display
Current status
The system status can be displayed on the Con‐
trol Display, e.g., whether or not the system is ac‐
"Vehicle status"
"Tire Pressure Monitor"
The current status is displayed.
Current tire inflation pressure
The current tire inflation pressure is displayed for
each tire.
The current tire inflation pressures may change
during driving operation or depending on the ex‐
ternal temperature.
Current tire temperature
Depending on the model, the current tire tem‐
peratures are displayed.
The current tire temperatures may change while
driving or due to the external temperature.
Target pressure
The target pressure for the tires on the front and
rear axles is displayed.
The specified target pressures take the influence
of driving operation and external temperature on
the tire temperature into account. The appropri‐
ate target pressure is always displayed, inde‐
pendent of the weather situation, tire tempera‐
tures and travel times.
The displayed target pressure may change and
may differ from the tire inflation pressure details
on the door pillar of the driver's door. The tire in‐
flation pressure can thus be corrected to the
value of the displayed target pressures.
The target pressure is immediately adjusted if
the vehicle load is changed in the tire settings.
Tire conditions
General information
Tire and system status are indicated by the color
of the wheels and a text message on the Control
Any existing messages may not be deleted if the
target pressure is not reached after the tire infla‐
tion pressure is corrected.
All wheels green
The system is active and bases warnings on
the target pressures.
For tires with special approval: the system is
active and bases warnings on the tire inflation
pressures stored during the last reset.
One to four yellow wheels
A flat tire or major drop in the tire inflation pres‐
sure has occurred in the indicated tires.
Gray wheels
It may not be possible to identify tire inflation
pressure losses.
Possible causes:
During tire inflation pressure measurement,
after confirmation of the tire settings.
For tires with special approval: a reset is per‐
formed for the system.
For tires with special approval:
perform a reset
"Vehicle status"
"Tire Pressure Monitor"
Make sure that correct tire settings have
been made.
Tire settings, refer to page
Switch on drive-ready state and do not drive
Seite 339
Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01405A11338 - VI/20