Appendix C : Basic GPS Reporting in
BlueVue Device Manager
The modem’s GPS reporting frequency determines the cellular network bandwidth
consumption. A higher reporting frequency (i.e., a low reporting timer value) will
result in higher bandwidth use.
This appendix shows how to use BlueVue Device Manager to configure the modem for basic
GPS reporting. For more complex and/or automatic reports, read
Section 10: Event Reporting
These GPS reports will be unformatted TAIP or NMEA data that can be interpreted by any
application written with one of these standards in mind. For example, the Microsoft's Streets &
Trips can interpret the modem's GPS output if the modem is using the NMEA protocol.
configure GPS
reporting, navigate to
CONF (Modem Configuration) > GPS
. You will
now have to select a protocol and set a destination for the reports. Note that if the TAIP
protocol is selected, reporting will not begin until the modem has acquired a valid GPS fix.
Figure 32