4000 & 5000 Series User’s Guide
Section 3: BlueVue Device Manager
The 4000/5000 series modems can be configured using BlueVue Device Manager, a software
application which is available as a free download at
. Later sections
of this guide will refer to configuration options in this program. For more in-depth information
on using BlueVue Device Manager, refer to the
BlueVue Device Manager User's Guide
. It can
be accessed from within BlueVue itself by clicking the Help button, or downloaded separately
BlueVue Device Manager is a Graphical User Interface for modem configuration and
administration that allows the user to:
Activate the modem (program the MDN and MIN) for use on the cellular network
Register the modem on the cellular network (WAN Setup)
Configure operation parameters (such as LAN setup or GPS)
Monitor diagnostic and status information
Perform firmware upgrades on the modem
3.1.1 Connecting to the modem
Should you run into any issues connecting to the modem, refer to
Appendix E: BlueVue Device
Manager Troubleshooting
Click on
Tools > Settings > Connection tab
to select the interface that will connect your PC
to the modem.
Figure 6
Revision 1.5
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