How navigation works
Your TravelPilot DX-N uses GPS, a satellite-supported locating system, to determine
the current position of the vehicle. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, a sys-
tem which can be used to reliably determine your location anywhere in the world. A
“gyroscope” and the electronic speedometer signal are also used to track the vehi-
cle’s movements. The TravelPilot DX-N navigation system compares this data with
the data stored in digital form on the navigation CD-ROM and uses it to calculate the
routes in route guidance.
If the TravelPilot DX-N is connected to a TMC source (“TMC D-Namic tuner box” or
appropriately equipped car radio), it will be able to take the current traffic situation into
account when calculating the route. For more information on TMC, please refer to the
section on “Dynamic Route Guidance with TMC”.
Switching the unit on
If the TravelPilot DX-N has been properly connected to the vehicle ignition and contin-
uous plus, the TravelPilot DX-N will switch on automatically when you start your vehi-
Operating introduction
When the system is started for the first time, an operating introduction explaining the
functions of the remote control will appear. Then you can select whether or not this
introduction is shown each time the TravelPilot DX-N is switched on.
Plus Point: You can activate or deactivate the operating introduction at any
time in the “Settings” menu. For more information, please refer to the section
on “Settings”, “Switching the operating introduction on/off”.
General Information