Allgemeines Kurzanlei-
Zielspeicher Einstellun-
Entering destinations
Using the four icons on the top line of the “Destination” menu you can enter your
destination in the following ways:
Use the envelope icon to enter your destination directly with the exact ad-
dress using the following menu items: “City” - “Centre” - “Street” - “Junction” -
“House number”.
Use the lighthouse icon to select from a list of destinations in the surrounding
area, such as car parks, hospitals, petrol stations, train stations and other
public facilities. A list of destinations in the surrounding area can be activat-
ed for your current location, for the last destination entered for navigation
and for the area surrounding the destination currently selected.
Use the sun icon to make a selection directly from four categories for non-
urban destinations: motorway exit, motorway service station, airports and
border crossings.
Use the globe icon to enter a destination directly on the map.
In addition, you can also recall a saved destination from the destination memory to
use as your new destination.
Entering the destination when you know the address
Select “Destination” in the main menu. Press
The “Destination” menu will appear.
Plus Point: Each time you access the “Destination” menu, the envelope will
automatically be selected for the direct entry of an address.
You can find an example of how to directly enter an address with a town, street and
junction in the Quick Reference text. You can also enter a part of the town (town
centre) or a house number as part of the address.