Part N
: 5105.01
8 pole IP-/ ASI-TV Modulator
ATV (8x AM)
7.2.2 Menu “IP Input”
This menu contains the network configuration for the streaming port and for the 8 IP transport streams from which then the 8 desired
programs for transmitting can be selected.
On top the configuration options for the two stream ports are displayed. It should be noted that the stream port 2 is available only after
enabling the associate software option (see section 7.2.6). The IP address, subnet mask and gateway can be configured for each
port. The next step is to configure the setup parameters of the 8 IP input transport streams (IP input channels). Again, IP address, port
and transport protocol (UDP or RTP ) have to be entered for each IP channel. Everything is confirmed by pressing the “send“ button.
If not all 8 ports are used, the unused ports can be disabled by entering the IP address
Identical settings within these 8 IP channels are not permitted and are automatically marked red.