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Chapter 6: Operation
Discards the test results and returns to the Main Menu.
Figure 6-48. Select EDIT TEST NAME to create a custom name
for the test results. Do this before saving the test in memory.
To NAME a reading, you must first complete any of the LPV’s
cable tests. At the end of the test, press the DOWN arrow
(labeled “REVIEW/SAVE” or “SAVE”) and the above screen
appears. Select EDIT TEST NAME.
NOTE: Creating a name (EDIT TEST NAME) for a test result
is optional. The LPV automatically assigns a sequential
number from 1 to 250 when SAVE READING is selected.
If a name has been created using EDIT TEST name, this
name will also be stored with the sequential number
when SAVE READING is selected.
Figure 6-49. Select START FRESH to create a name from scratch.
Select EDIT OLD to create a new name by modifying the prior
name. It saves time.