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Appendix B: Ping and TCP/IP Debugging Tools
Ping notes: If you want to ping another workstation or server
and you do not know its DNS name or IP address use
(below). To learn all the ping command’s option, enter
ping /?
USE: Determine the IP address and other related information
about a workstation. Enter ipconfig /? at the prompt to display
the options possible with this command. The two most common
entries: ipconfig and ipconfig/all.
EXAMPLES OF USE: You want to ping a remote server but you
do not know its IP address. Go to the server and at the
command line prompt enter “ipconfig.” The server's IP address
will be displayed. Return to the earlier workstation and perform
the ping test to this address.
USE: Determines how many router hops a packet took to reach
its destination. This can help determine why a network is slow
(or not functioning). Enter
tracert /?
at the prompt to display
the options possible with this command.
EXAMPLES OF USE: I want to determine how many routers are
between my system and my ISO. Enter tracet followed by the
name or IP address of the destination system.
USE: Displays the current status of all listening TCP/IP ports.
A TCP/IP port is where applications connect to the server or
EXAMPLES OF USE: You would like to see how many applica-
tions are tied to your system that use TCP/IP.