CHAPTER 4: Operation
4.5.5 D
To delete a device from the Channel List, take these steps:
1. At the Channel List, use the keyboard’s arrow keys and/or the search function
to highlight the device whose entry you went to edit.
2. Press [Ctrl] along with the letter “D”.
3. The device’s current name and address will be displayed, and you will be asked
whether you really want to delete it from the list. Type “Y” to delete the device
or “N” to keep it, then press [Enter]. You’ll be returned to the Channel List,
which will reflect the deletion if you went through with it.
web_server 1D1
Delete this port? (y/n):
Terminal Control Panel
Channel List
<Name> Address
--> mail_server 1C4 <--
ModemPool 1C1
router_1 1C2
Enter: Open session Ctrl-S: port Settings
Ctrl-E: Edit Ctrl-D: Delete channel
Ctrl-A: Add channel Ctrl-X: eXit channel list
'-' Sort by address '+' Sort by name
Ctrl-T: Go to Top Ctrl-B: Go to Bottom
Ctrl-R: Remote close session