Slave ServSwitch CX
Master ServSwitch CX
Master monitor
Slave monitor
Servers fitted with
dual video heads
SmartView World
Thank you for choosing the SmartView World from Adder.
Drawing upon our considerable experience in the production
of professional switching products, SmartView World offers
the flexibility that you need, together with the reliability that
you expect.
At its heart SmartView World is a high quality Keyboard,
Video & Mouse (KVM) switch that simultaneously connects four
operators to any of sixteen computer systems. Unlike more basic
switches, those operators are not all confined to the location of the
switch. Thanks to in-built circuitry, two of the operators can be placed
up to 200m away (requiring additional receiver units) and one almost anywhere
worldwide thanks to a self-contained IP connection.
One local
Two local/extended – built in extenders
One IP
However, of those four operators
Power switching
Security – 2 levels
Yadda, Yadda
What’s in the box
SmartView World
The local user ports can also
be used to view multiple
video head installations.
It is recommended that the
second SAM in each pair is a
USB-type and that it is plugged
to a vacant USB port on the host
server to derive its power.
Pairs of SAMs can be strapped
back-to-back with cable ties to
create a tidy installation.