1 • Introduction
Model LRA2900A RAS Getting Started Guide
Model LRA2900A Remote Access Server overview
Model LRA2900A Remote Access Server overview
The Model LRA2900A is a central site remote access server with integrated modems which terminate dial-up
analog and digital users. The Model LRA2900A RAS combines up to 120 analog and digital modems, RAS
software, a 10/100 Ethernet port, IP Routing, Frame Relay/PPP forwarding, and four T1/E1 WAN ports.
The LRA2900A RAS simultaneously consolidates analog modem and digital ISDN remote access connections
(over PSTN digital trunks) using a completely digital approach. Up to four T1/E1/PRI ports provide PSTN
and/or PABX connectivity and terminate up to 120 analog modem or digital ISDN calls within a single chas-
sis. The Model LRA2900A incorporates channel bank, terminal server, router and modem functionality in a
self-contained, compact package.
Figure 1. Model LRA2900A RAS