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Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
Group = <1-1> The ID of the bridge-group that this ageing time is for.
AGEINGTIME = <10-1000000> The number of seconds of persistence.
4. Example:
The following example sets the new AGEINGTIME (1000) to bridge GROUP (1):
switch_a(config)#bridge 1 ageing-time 1000
Threshold level (0-100):
1. Command Mode: Interface mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode). Then logon to Interface
fe1 means port 1.
The switch_a(config-if)# prompt will show on the screen.
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
2. Usage:
Use storm-control level command to specify the rising threshold level for broad-
casting, multicast, or destination lookup failure traffic. The storm control action
occurs when traffic utilization reaches this level.
3. Command Syntax:
storm-control level LEVEL
LEVEL <0-100> specifies the percentage of the threshold; percentage of the maxi-
mum speed (pps) of the interface.
4. Example:
The following example shows setting storm-control level LEVEL (30) to the
interface fe1 (port 1):
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
switch_a(config-if)#storm-control level 30