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Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
2. Usage:
Use this command to set the max-age for a bridge.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value of max-age.
3. Command Syntax:
bridge GROUP max-age MAXAGE
no bridge GROUP max-age
GROUP <1-1> The ID of the bridge group to which this maximum age time is
MAXAGE <6-28> The maximum time, in seconds, to listen for the root bridge.
4. Example:
The following example sets the max-age MAXAGE (28) of bridge GROUP (1):
switch_a(config)#bridge 1 max-age 28
Forward Delay (sec) (4..30):
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode). The switch_a(config)#
prompt will show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use this command to set the time (in seconds) after which (if this bridge is the
root bridge) each port changes states to learning and forwarding.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value.
3. Command Syntax:
bridge GROUP forward-time FORWARD_DELAY
no bridge GROUP forward-time
GROUP <1-1> The ID of the bridge group to which this delay time is assigned.