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Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
4. Example:
The following example specifies to set Max. Speed settings (50) in the symmetric
mode for Ethernet Extender port 1 (vdsl1):
switch_a(config)#interface vdsl1
switch_a(config-if)#vdsl maxspeed 50
Symmetric Mode Fixed Rate:
1. Command Mode: Interface mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
Then logon to Interface mode.
vdsl1 means Ethernet Extender port 1.
The switch_a(config-if)# prompt will show on the screen.
switch_a(config)#interface vdsl1
2. Usage:
Use this command to set fixed rate bandwidth settings in the symmetric mode for
Ethernet Extender port. Use the no parameter with this command to disable fixed
rate bandwidth settings for Ethernet Extender port.
3. Command Syntax:
vdsl sym-fixedrate RATE
no vdsl fixedrate