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Chapter 6: Command Line Console Management
switch_a#write config-file
Save Configuration:
1. Command Mode: Privileged Exec mode
Logon to Privileged Exec Mode (Enable Mode).
The switch_a# prompt will show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use copy running-config startup-config command to write configurations to the
file to be used at startup. This is the same as the write memory command.
3. Command Syntax:
copy running-config startup-config
4. Example:
The following example specifies writing configurations to the file to be used at
startup to Hardened Ethernet Extender Switch:
switch_a#copy running-config startup-config
Restore Default:
1. Command Mode: Privileged Exec mode
Logon to Privileged Exec Mode (Enable Mode).
The switch_a# prompt will show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use restore default command to restore default setting of the Hardened Ethernet
Extender Switch.
3. Command Syntax:
restore default