Note: If range is set to Auto and the sweep profile goes over or below 150 V, there will be
a 50 ms delay during that instance in which the instrument will output 0 V. This
delay is required for the instrument to switch ranges.
Below are some examples of the type of sweep that can be setup and output from the power
Voltage Sweep
Frequency Sweep
Voltage and Frequency Sweep
There are two steps to set up a sweep output (in order):
Edit Sweep File
Recall and Run Program
The following sections will go into the details of setting up these steps.
Edit Sweep File
To access the edit list menu, press (Shift)
and press “7” (“Sweep”). Now select the “Edit”
option and press
. The adjustable range and operation for each of the sweep
parameters are specified in table below:
Table 6 - Sweep Parameter Inputs
Operation Description
Start Voltage
Sets the start voltage
0.0 V – 300.0 V
End Voltage
Sets the end voltage
0.0 V – 300.0 V
Step Voltage
Sets the voltage step
0.1 V – 300.0 V
Time Unit
Sets the unit for the step time
Second, Minute, Hour
Step Time
Sets the step time
0.1 – 999.9
Start Frequency
Sets the start frequency
45.0 Hz – 500 Hz
End Frequency
Sets the end frequency
45.0 Hz – 500 Hz
Step Frequency
Sets the frequency step
0.1 Hz – 500 Hz
Sweep Save
Select Yes to save the sweep to
memory bank 0-9
Yes, No
(If yes, select memory